Latest Trends in Your Personal Care Routine

What are some of the latest trends in personal care routines? What are some things you should consider before starting a new regimen?

Personal hygiene has always been important, but it’s even more crucial today. The rise of social media, smartphones, and other technologies has created a perfect storm for germs.

If you want to stay healthy and keep your skin looking its best and your body feeling amazing, you need to take steps to protect yourself from germs. A simple way to do this is by following a few guidelines and some of the latest trends in personal care as discussed below:

Routine Hair Removal

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Hair can be a problem with hygiene because it tends to get everywhere! It can collect dirt or oil on the skin, ending in your pores. If you don’t remove it regularly, you may have ingrown hairs. These can be painful and unsightly.

The same goes for body hair. You might think that shaving or waxing will solve the problem, but it just makes it worse. Shaving creates tiny cuts that allow bacteria to enter your bloodstream. Waxing leaves behind oils that trap moisture and cause rashes.

The safest option is to use a laser hair removal device such as available at KetchBeauty. With lasers, there’s virtually no risk of creating ingrown hairs. Plus, unlike waxing and shaving, a laser hair removal device doesn’t leave any residue.

When it comes to removing facial hair, electric shavers are often recommended. But if you have sensitive skin, you could experience irritation or redness after using them. Instead, use an epilator. They work the same way as lasers, but they’re gentler on your face.

Wash Hands Frequently

Hand washing is one of the most basic ways to prevent illness. Yet, many people still forget about this step. That’s why it’s so important to make sure that you wash your hands after going to the bathroom, touching door handles, and shaking hands.

It would help if you also washed your hands right away after coming into contact with someone who has recently come down with a cold or flu.

It’s also essential to wash your hands immediately after blowing your nose or coughing. Many viruses spread via droplets made during sneezing or coughing.

Use Sunscreen

Sunscreen isn’t just for protecting your skin against the harmful rays of the sun. It also protects you against indoor lighting. Exposure to fluorescent lights has been linked to premature aging. To avoid this, wear sunscreen when you spend a lot of time indoors.

Make sure that you follow all directions on your bottle. Some sunscreens require reapplication every two hours. Others need to be applied multiple times per day. Also, make sure that you’re using enough products. Sunscreen should cover the entire surface of your body. Otherwise, you may end up getting burned.

If you do get burned, stop immediately. Wait 30 minutes before applying another layer ,then wait 24 hours before resuming. You should never expose yourself to the sun without proper protection.

Cut Back On Sugar and Processed Foods

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Sugar and processed foods don’t provide any nutritional value whatsoever. However, they contain many calories that your body uses for energy and growth. As a result, it’s easy for excess weight to build upon your belly, thighs, arms, and other areas.

Eat plenty of vegetables and fruits while cutting out refined carbs to lose weight naturally. For example, you could replace white bread with whole wheat bread, pasta, fruit, and veggies instead.

Use a Humidifier

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Humidifiers keep your home moist by adding water vapor. This helps relieve dry air conditions throughout the house. According to research, kids who live in homes with a humidifier tend to be healthier than those whose homes aren’t well ventilated.

A humidifier is beneficial for children’s rooms where dust mites thrive. Dust mites feed off dead skin cells. When the humidity levels stay high, these bugs can’t survive.

Take Long Relaxing Baths

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A warm bath is soothing and relaxing. It helps relieve stress by lowering your heart rate and increasing your serotonin and dopamine levels.

Stress relievers include deep breathing exercises, meditation, yoga, massage, listening to music, and reading books. If none of these options appeals to you, take a hot shower. When you do, cover your head with a towel and relax.

Wash Your Hair Regularly

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Your scalp needs moisture just like any other part of your body. But since it lacks protective oil glands, it tends to dry out quickly. A healthy condition will help keep your hair soft and strong.

To promote healthier hair growth, shampoo once every two weeks. Shampooing removes the build-up of oils, dirt, and grime. This leaves your hair feeling cleaner and lighter.

Try a Conditioner Tool

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According to Bubble&Balms the coconut orange conditioner is known to improve the texture of your hair. They add shine and protect your strands from heat damage. Coconut water contains fatty acids, which soften and strengthen your hair.


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According to a recent study published in the British Journal of Dermatology, smartwatches can help prevent cold sores. The researchers found that people were less likely to pick up cold sores while wearing a watch.

In addition, they help you track your exercise routine which is vital for maintaining overall health.

Regular exercise can lower cholesterol levels and boost energy levels. It improves mood, increases self-esteem, and reduces depression. Exercise burns calories, boosts metabolism, strengthens muscles, and reduces stress.

The benefits of regular exercise are endless. Try walking briskly for 20 minutes three times per week. Or get moving by dancing or playing sports. You could even swim laps.

Moisturize Your Feet

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It’s common knowledge that regular footbaths can improve circulation and reduce wrinkles. But many people don’t realize that they can also make your feet softer and supplier.

While you probably won’t see a moisturizing gel advertised as suitable for your feet, there are plenty of products that claim to hydrate and soften your skin. Many contain glycerine, aloe Vera, and even apple cider vinegar.

One of the best ways to apply these treatments is with a pumice stone. Pumice stones are porous rocks that absorb moisture from the surrounding environment. Soak your feet in warm water for about five minutes before applying the treatment. Then, rub the pumice over your feet until they feel smooth.

Use this tip every time you shower. Not only does it reduce calluses and other types of damage, but it also helps prevent an athlete’s foot.
