The Pros and Cons of Thread Facelift: Is It Right for You – 2024 Guide

Facelifts have been a popular cosmetic procedure for many years, with numerous techniques and technologies emerging over time to enhance their effectiveness and minimize their invasiveness. One such innovation is the pdo thread lift, a minimally invasive procedure that offers a more youthful appearance to the face without the need for extensive surgery. This procedure involves the insertion of threads made from a biocompatible material under the skin to lift and reposition the sagging skin on the face.

While the PDO thread lift offers several benefits, like all cosmetic procedures, it also has some drawbacks. In this guide, we will examine the pros and cons of the PDO thread lift to help you determine if it is the right choice for you.

What Is a Thread Facelift?


A thread facelift is a cosmetic procedure that uses threads made from a biocompatible material (usually polydioxanone or PDO) to lift and reposition sagging skin on the face. The threads are inserted under the skin through small incisions, and then pulled tight to lift and tighten the skin. The threads also stimulate collagen production, which helps to improve the skin’s texture and firmness over time.

Pros of Thread Facelifts


Minimally Invasive

Minimally invasive cosmetic procedures like the PDO thread lift offer numerous advantages over more invasive options. With a PDO thread lift, patients can achieve a more youthful appearance without the risks and long recovery times associated with traditional facelifts. Because this procedure requires only small incisions, it can be performed in an outpatient setting under local anesthesia, reducing the risks associated with general anesthesia.

Rapid Recovery

One of the primary advantages of a PDO thread lift is its fast recovery time. Unlike traditional facelifts, which can require weeks or even months of downtime, most patients can return to their normal activities within a week of having a PDO thread lift. While some mild swelling, bruising, and discomfort are normal after the procedure, these typically subside within a few days, and most patients can resume their usual routines within a week. It’s important to follow your doctor’s post-procedure instructions carefully to ensure a smooth and speedy recovery. This may include avoiding strenuous exercise or other activities that could cause the threads to shift or become dislodged, as well as taking pain medication as needed.

Achieving Natural-Looking Results

One of the most appealing aspects of a PDO thread lift is the ability to achieve natural-looking results. Unlike some other cosmetic procedures that can leave patients looking overly “done,” the fleeces used in a PDO line lift are designed to enhance the natural contours of the face, providing a subtle lift and smoothing out fine lines and wrinkles. The threads are made from a biocompatible material that is absorbed by the body over time, leaving no permanent traces. This means that as the threads dissolve, the skin will continue to produce collagen and elastin, providing ongoing improvement in the appearance of the treated area.

Long-Lasting Results You Can Count On

In addition to offering natural-looking results, a PDO thread lift also provides long-lasting benefits. Because the threads used in this procedure stimulate collagen and elastin production, the skin in the treated area will continue to improve over time even after the fleeces have dissolved. This means that the results of a PDO thread lift can last up to 18 months or more, providing patients with a long-lasting solution to sagging skin and fine lines. While the fleeces themselves will be absorbed by the body over time, the new collagen and elastin produced as a result of the procedure will remain in place, helping to maintain the lift and firmness of the skin.

Cons of Thread Facelifts

Limited Results

Thread facelifts are not suitable for everyone, and they are not as effective as traditional facelifts for people with more severe signs of aging. The lift provided by the fleeces is also limited, and it may not be enough to achieve the desired results in some cases.

Risk of Complications

As with any medical procedure, there is a risk of complications with line facelifts. These can include infection, bleeding, and bruising. There is also a risk of the fleeces breaking or becoming dislodged, which can lead to the need for revision surgery.


Cable facelifts can be expensive, and the cost varies depending on the number of threads used and the complexity of the procedure. This can make the procedure inaccessible for some people.

Not Covered by Insurance

Thread facelifts are considered cosmetic procedures and are not covered by insurance. This means that patients are responsible for paying for the procedure out of pocket.

Is a PDO Thread Lift Right for You?


PDO thread lifts can be an effective way to lift and tighten the skin without the need for invasive surgery. However, like any medical procedure, it’s important to weigh the benefits against the risks and costs before deciding whether it’s right for you.

One of the advantages of a PDO cable lift is that it is a minimally invasive procedure with a relatively short recovery time. The procedure can be performed in an office setting with local anesthesia and typically takes less than an hour to complete. Patients can usually resume normal activities within a few days, with minimal discomfort or downtime. Another advantage of a PDO line lift is that it can provide natural-looking results that last for several months. The cables used in the procedure stimulate the production of collagen and elastin in the treated area, which can help improve the overall texture and tone of the skin.

However, it’s important to be aware of the potential risks and limitations of the procedure. While complications are relatively rare, they can occur, including infection, bleeding, and nerve damage. In addition, the results of a PDO cable lift may be limited in patients with significant skin laxity or advanced signs of aging. Ultimately, the decision to undergo a PDO line lift should be based on a careful evaluation of your aesthetic goals, medical history, and budget, as well as a thorough discussion with a qualified provider. By working with a skilled and experienced provider, you can minimize the risks and maximize the benefits of a PDO cable lift, helping you achieve the natural-looking, long-lasting results you desire.
